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( 发布日期:2019/2/21 阅读:次)

   郑小林,男,汉,1966年9月出生,湖南永州人,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,浙江工商大学“西湖学者”。1987年毕业于吉首大学生物系;1993、1997年先后获湖南农业大学植物生理学专业硕士和博士学位;2001. 8-2002.8为美国San Francisco State University访问学者;2003.7-2005.7在中国科学院植物研究所博士后流动站工作,2005.11-2006.11为澳大利亚University of Queensland访问学者;2014. 6-2015.6为美国University of Florida访问学者。1998-2008年为广东省“千百十工程”培养对象,2000年被广东省政府评为“南粤教坛新秀”,2007年获湛江市优秀科技工作者称号,2016年获浙江省农业科技先进工作者称号。兼任浙江省食品学会理事、植物病理学会产后病理学专业委员会理事。

   主要从事水果贮藏保鲜及品质调控研究工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,国家重点研发计划、国家科技支撑计划和863计划等子课题各1项,国家留学回国人员基金项目1项,省重大科技专项1项,省级科研项目6项,以及市厅级科研项目6项。已发表学术研究论文90多篇,其中SCI 40多篇;授权国家发明专利4项;2006年获中国科学院重大科研成果奖,2009年获广东省科学技术奖一等奖;2013年获国家发明二等奖;参编专著2部(英文1部)、教材2部。


   1. 陶淑华, 陈丽, 蒋镇烨, 宋倩倩, 宋亦超, 姜天甲, 郑小林*. 低温贮藏对美味猕猴桃布鲁诺果实主要挥发性物质和脂肪酸代谢的影响.核农学报, 2020, 34(2): 288-297

   2. 徐燕红, 宋倩倩, 胡斌, 李生娥, 郑小林*, 姜天甲. 采收成熟度对毛花猕猴桃华特果实采后品质和贮藏性的影响.核农学报, 2020, 34(3): 521-531

   3. 郑剑,蒋镇烨,戚雯烨,潘洁, 郑小林*,李博强*. 2018. 伞形花内酯处理对美味猕猴桃果实品质和青霉病抗性的影响, 园艺学报, 2018, 45 (4): 734?742

   4. 戚雯烨, 周晨卉, 宋丽君, 钟雨, 郑小林*.毛花猕猴桃‘华特’果实采后糖代谢的研究. 果树学报, 2016, 33(6):385-392

   5. 李盼盼, 钟雨, 戚雯烨, 宋亦超, 郑小林* .美味猕猴桃‘布鲁诺’果实贮藏过程中乙醇代谢与挥发性成分的变化. 果树学报, 2016, 33(7):629- 637

   6. Huan Chen, Zhang Jing, Jia Ying, Li Shenge, Jiang Tianjia, Shen Shuling, Zheng Xiaolin *. Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene treatment on quality, volatile production and ethanol metabolism in kiwifruit during storage at room temperature. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 265: 109266.

   7. Li Shenge, Jiang Hong, Wang Yi, Lyu Liang, Dov Prusky, Ji Yan, Zheng Xiaolin *, Bi Yang*. Effect of benzothiadiazole treatment on improving the mitochondrial energy metabolism involved in induced resistance of apple fruit during postharvest storage. Food Chemistry, 2020, 302:125288

   8. Zheng Jian, Li Shenge, Maratab Ali, Huang Qihui, Zhneg Xiaolin*, Pang Linjiang*. Effects of UV-B treatment on controlling lignification and quality of bamboo (Phyllostachys prominens) shoots without sheaths during cold storage, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020, 19 (5): 1387-1395

   9. Maratab Ali, Liu Mengmeng, Wang Zhen-E, Li Sheng’e, Jiang Tianjia, Zheng Xiaolin *. Pre-harvest spraying of oxalic acid improves postharvest quality associated with increase in ascorbic acid and regulation of ethanol fermentation in kiwifruit cv. Bruno during storage. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2019, 18(11): 2514?2520

   10. Li Shenge, Xu Yanhong, Bi Yang, Zhang Bo, Shen Shuling, Jiang Tianjia, Zheng Xiaolin*. Melatonin treatment inhibits gray mold and induces disease resistance in cherry tomato fruit during postharvest. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019, 157, 110962

   11. Huan Chen, Xu Yin, An Xiujuan, Yu Mingliang, Ma Ruijuan, Zheng Xiaolin*, Yu Zhifang* iTRAQ-based protein profiling of peach fruit during ripening and senescence under different temperatures. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019,151, 88-97

   12. Zheng Jian, Li Shenge, Xu Yanhong, Zheng Xiaolin. Effect of oxalic acid on edible quality of bamboo shoots (Phyllostachys prominens) without sheaths during cold storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019,109, 194?200

   13. Jiang Zhenye, Zhong Yu, Zheng Jian, Maratab Ali, Liu Guodong, Zheng Xiaolin*. L-ascorbic acid metabolism in an ascorbate-rich kiwifruit (Actinidia. Eriantha Benth.) cv. ‘White’ during postharvest. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 124 20?28

   14. Xiaolin Zheng*, Bin Hu, Lijun Song, Jie Pan, Mengmeng Liu. Changes in quality and defense resistance of kiwifruit in response to nitric oxide treatment during storage at room temperature. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 222: 187-192

   15. Li Peiyan, Yin Fei, Song Lijun, Zheng Xiaolin*. Alleviation of chilling injury in tomato fruit by exogenous application of oxalic acid. Food Chemistry, 2016, 202, 125?132

   16. Zhu Yuyan, Yu Jie, Jeffrey K. Brecht, Jiang Tianjia, Zheng Xiaolin*. Pre-harvest application of oxalic acid increases quality and resistance to Penicillium expansum in kiwifruit during postharvest storage. Food Chemistry, 2016, 190: 537?543







   Email: zheng9393@163.com或

上一条: 韩剑众教授,博士生导师 2019/2/21
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